     The man here lies on the ground, exhausted as the landscape around him becomes barren and dry. It is difficult to determine the time of day under such a dull, red sky and five swords, the abilities of the mind, pierce five roses of emotion. The man is not so enclosed by the swords as to truly be trapped upon the ground, yet still seems incapable of getting up.
     This card can represent a time of stagnation in life. Perhaps things are not moving as quickly as we had hoped or we have worked ourselves to exhaustion without seeing the fruits of our labors. Either way, our thoughts and feelings are in disharmony, leaving us confused, tired, and unable to move forward. However, this is not a time to give up! Five is a number of change, transition, and growth. This man may lie in rest and apathy for a time, but soon he will regain his strength, his thoughts will clear, and he will choose to stand again. Today, give yourself a break. If you have been working hard and feeling stretched in all directions, take heart! These challenges will pay of in time. In the meantime, remember that it's okay to take some a moment or two to make yourself happy. Soon, you'll be up and at it again! 

     The queen of cups is a lovely, perceptive, and gentle woman. As you can see by her gaze, little escapes her as she always has a slight hint of skepticism. While this may may her appear somewhat cold, she is gentle, loving and emotionally attentive. She knows how you are feeling and will do her best to provide you with counsel and care.
     Often, the queen of cups signifies times of flowing intuition. We begin to sense the world around us in a deeper way, and prioritize those things that fed the soul. We become gentler and more perceptive to to the needs of both ourselves and those we care for. Today, let the mind wander, for the voice of your inner guidance will take you where you need to go...

    The Ace of Pentacles is a new beginning, often related to our material world and sense of grounding. Pentacles represent each of our five senses, pointing toward the heavens, and being drawn together in the center by the life force, our own spirit. This union is our life on earth, within the human body.
     Thus, the Ace of Pentacles ushers in a new understanding of ourselves where we physically stand. It often signals new opportunities in business, home, education, and personal growth. With a new sense of grounding, the Ace give us a chance to start building our place on the Earth. Today, look for new opportunities around you and think about what you want to create for stability in you life. The Ace will give you good fortune to get there.

     It's a beautiful card, isn't it? A bright and seductive tone pulls us into the lovers quivering breath between their lips. The sun shines, and the landscape is lush and abundant. Balance, joy, beauty, art, and the comfort of another come through clearly in this card.
     The Lovers may of course represent love, seduction, and completion. We are balances in both male and female energies, happy with ourselves, and very present in the moment. Take time today to appreciate the loving and wonderful people in your life - including you!

     The man here is being crushed and burnt as he struggles to free himself from the wands toppling about him. Fire rages and seems to destroy a city in the background. As a Ten, something is coming to an end. Outside passions and responsibilities have come to a peak that may be too much to bear. He must either find a way to cool the fires or let all burn and create something new.
     This card appears when we feel we have to much stress, strain, and responsibilities. At wits end, balancing so many things, it is time to step back and reevaluate how much energy truly needs to be extended at this time and give ourselves a break. If we push too hard, we will merely burn out, incapable of finishing what we were fighting toward in the first place. Today, retreat into the cool quiet for a little while, and let the fires cool.

     The woman here dances nude, all of the riches of life spiraling in toward her. She is happy and able to work her magic with ease is the chaotic beauty around her. She is at home with herself, the plants, the animals, the angels, and all of the cosmos.
     The World is an auspicious card. It represents a time when we feel alive in the dance of life. We accept the whole of the people and environment around us and know how to consciously use our own power to create what we want. This is a period of satisfied growth and abundance. The harvest of our works have come in, allowing for a new beginning... Today, enjoy the riches of life! :D

     The Hermit spends his time in solitude, however you can see that he does not feel unpleasantly alone. He appears to be in deep contemplation, as he in in a yoga pose and enjoys the stillness of nature in the dim starlight. The pink flowers in the scene give a slight hint of romance, as the hermit is in a state of self-love. The starlight strikes the mountains with a pinpoint of brilliant light, just as the hermits own meditation seems to light the lantern at his feet.
     The Hermit often appears when it is time to step back, to spend some time alone in self-care. If we are to remember what we are called to do and what our purpose is, we must take time from the business of life to go within and refresh ourselves. In this way, we find our inner light and come forth with positive energy to shine on the world and the ones we love. Today, take a little time to yourself, relax, and love who you are. 'Blessed meditations!

     The King of Sword is an older man, who is quite well educated, with a sharp wit. He can be quite difficult for others to read, and scrutinizes everything. At times, he may come across as cold, calculating, and defensive. However, he is great at both the big picture and the details and is definitely someone you want on your side when intellect is required.
     While this card may represent a person or attitude who may be prevalent today, it gives important advice. Today, watch things closely as they may not be what they seem at first. Step back and think before making any big decisions. And, as the hawk eyes staring at us here reminds us, sometimes what we need to watch most closely is ourselves.

     Like yesterday's card (7 of pentacles) the 3 of pentacles may represent a time of hard work. However, with the energy of the number 3, this work may be more creative, enjoyable, and productive. The three men here are all working together, utilizing different talents to organize and build. Progress here appears to be going fairly quickly as balance and harmony are achieved through teamwork and achieving a working rhythm.
     Today is a great day for following ambitions and continuing projects, as satisfying progress is likely to be made. The energy of this card allows us to put all of our focus  and energies on one goal, so that we can confidently achieve what we set out to do. Enjoy this day of great work!

          As you can see here, the seven of pentacles features a downtrodden looking man. Chipped pentacles are buried in the ground at his feet and halfheartedly clings to two of them. Note, however, that although he appears to be in ruin, he still stands; there is a feeling of pushing through here. 
          This card encourages perseverance. All may feel at a loss and failure may seem inevitable, but we will never get where we are trying to go if we don't keep putting the work in and looking for other options. When we feel like we've been struggling and getting nowhere, we need to reassess and try, try again.

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